segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012

VM #1

FIRST OF ALL. THIS THING CALLED BLOGGER DOESN'T LIKE ME (actually it doesn't like the english version of my blog). I AM SORRY. BUT I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU TO GO TO THE PORTUGUESE VERSION OF THE BLOG TO SEE THE VIDEOS. THE EMBED LINKS ARE NOT WORKING AND GOD ONLY KNOWS WHY (God, please, if you know why, just tell me or make this work, please!). I AM REALLY SORRY.

Every Monday, starting today, I will post 6 awesome videos I found on Vimeo. So, it can be called Vimeo Monday, or Video Monday, but not Vimeo's Video Monday, because then it would be a pleonasm, because Vimeo is all about Videos. Ok, enough, my brain is getting nuts.

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This is a video of a normal girl (and by "normal girl", I mean "not-professional, not an actress, just a teenager with a camera on her hands") who decided to film at least 5 seconds of her life every single day of the year of 2011. In the end, she just pulled all these short clips together and made an incredible video. I admit, I wish I had made this video. I've already had this idea (so as 74982364374 people in the world), but I wasn't lazy or something, I just couldn't do it, sometimes I forgot, sometimes I thought it wouldn't be a nice video or something like this. Wrong. I was wrong. 

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This is one of that kind of video you just can't explain why you like it. A notebook. And that's all.

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Oh, London... Now that I've already seen one of my favorite capitals (I still owe you a big post about my trip to London!), I can't stop thinking of it. Of how fast it was, and how excited I am to come back there, in 4 months.

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Because I'm a stop-motion lover.

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One of the most amazing bands in the whole world. A beautiful love story between a men and The Beatles. Couldn't been shown in better words, draws and remixes. 

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I love children. I love british people (and their accent!). But both? Too cute for me. 

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