Here I am doing what I've promised! And I'm sorry I didn't post anything else during the week. But at least I now have more 2 ready posts for the next days.
So, starting with my love for snow and ski. I spent 9 days in Austria with some friends and Rotary, skiing. It was one of the best weeks of my entire life. I've never thought I was, someday, going to ski. I've never even been excited about skiing or something, but when the opportunities comes, we can't just let it go, we have to at least study and think about it. I miss skiing, I miss falling on the floor with my head and getting hurt, I miss getting up and thinking "fuck the pain, I'm skiing in Austria!" and continue to slize the mountains. And this video made me remember all the moments I spent over there.
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The making of "Hero," a drawing composed entirely out of 3.2 million dots. Incredible.
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Have you ever thought about a floating park in the middle of the city? Right, me neither. But as we can see, Fernando Livschitz did. Oh, he did. He just criated one of the most amazing videos, in therms of special effects. Buenos Aires is not going to be the same in my eyes.
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One of my favorite effects + one of my favorite cities. It couldn't be better! Time lapse and New York City, how great are they together? Plus the colour effects, it is amazing, how it gives the colours a life!
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Ps.: plus one of my favorite songs! "Sweet Disposition", by Temper Trap.
I admit: I'm a fan of skyliners. I not only think it's an incredibly dangerous sport, but I also think it's one of the most amazing things you can ever do in your life. I've done it, or, to tell you the truth, I TRY to do it and it does makes you feel better. You feel free, free for life, you don't have that fear to fall down, it is one of the things you can't die without doing. Just like bungee jumping. I'm still going to do it, I swear! And one more thing: look at this city. Paris must be awesome. I'm counting the days to drive to the city of light, just more 4 months and some days and I'll be screaming like a little child as soon as I step on Paris.
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And, as always, a video from the EF Language Centers. They made a lot of videos, each from one different city or country, and they're more than good. This one is from Sydney, a city that I'm still going to see, one of my favorite cities (I think I need to write a post about my favorite cities...) in the whole world. As some people, say, "Australia is Brazil with the english language", and I can't wait to see if it's true or not.
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